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1106 Anodized aluminum safety padlock, 38mm wide with 38mm tall shackle

The American Lock No. A1106 Aluminum Padlock features a 1-1/2in (38mm) wide anodized aluminum body. With a 1-1/2in (38mm) tall, 1/4in (6mm) diameter chrome plated, boron alloy shackle for superior cut resistance. The anodized finish makes the padlock suitable for lockout in food processing facilities. Also, a corrosion-resistant finish is ideal for tough environments.

29,30 (Ex VAT)


*Identify your padlock with a unique number or name*

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The American Lock No. A1106 Aluminum Padlock features a 1-1/2in (38mm) wide anodized aluminum body. With a 1-1/2in (38mm) tall, 1/4in (6mm) diameter chrome plated, boron alloy shackle for superior cut resistance. The anodized finish makes the padlock suitable for lockout in food processing facilities. Also, corrosion resistant finish is ideal for tough environments.

KD - Each lock is opened by its own unique key which does not open any other lock in the set. Complying with the “One lock, one employee, one key” mantra (standard delivery)

KA - All padlocks in the set are opened by the same key so only one key is necessary to open numerous padlocks – for employees who need many locks, they still only have one key

MK - A master key opens all locks within the system while each lock also has its own unique key – allows for responsible removal of improperly placed or forgotten lockouts according to your emergency notification policy (custom made to order deliver 4 to 6 weeks)


  • American Lock Aluminum Safety Padlock
  • 38mm wide yellow anodized aluminum body, 6mm diameter chrome plated, boron alloy shackle with 38mm length
  • Anodized finish suitable for lockout tagout in food processing facilities
  • Corrosion-resistant finish for tough environments
  • High visibility color plus high security
  • Keyed different 5-pin tumbler rekeyable cylinder
  • Commercial Packaging, Shelf Pack Qty 6, Master Carton Qty 24

Keying options

“One Employee, One Lock, One Key”

It is important that each employee at a facility has a padlock key that is unique to them. Key charting is critical to prevent duplicate keys from entering the workplace and jeopardizing your lockout/tagout program.


A no-charge Safety Lockout Padlock Key Charting System – critical for Safety Lockout

  • Key charting is a record of all the safety padlock key codes assigned to a facility
  • It is important that each authorized employee at a site has a unique padlock key that only opens that employee’s safety padlock. This complies with the “one lock, one employee, one key” directive
  • To help prevent duplicate keys from jeopardizing your lockout program, register your workplace with Master Lock. Once registered, Master Lock will send you an End User Identification Number for your site’s Key Chart.
  • When you use that I.D. number on each additional padlock order, Master Lock will use a new key code for each padlock we manufacture for you. When used properly, this free service helps ensure that each employee carries a key unique to them, eliminating unwanted key duplication in a safety lockout program


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